Photography Reading

  1. In the chapter, there were many key points. The author is telling the reader that photography, when it was first created, was used as a novelty. Now humankind takes advantage of it. It is used in get people’s attention, to get them to be jealous.
  2. – “…which raises the question of whether we engage in a kind of ‘social media tourism’ today as we vicariously devour other people’s lives”. This quote is explaining how today mostly everyone has social media and everyone is posting everything that they do. This allows people to access anything that they want at any time.
  • “Online, thirty-some years after Sontag’s observation, this aggression precipitates a kind of social media violence of self-assertion”. This quote is explaining how many people are so absorbed in social media that they take everything personally.
  • “…aggressive self-framing we practice as we portray ourselves pictorially on Facebook, Instagram…”. This quote is telling us that people are too concerned with posting pictures on social media to make other envy you.
  1. The author’s point in writing this chapter was to tell the reader that photography is being taken advantage of. That people are more concerned with making a person jealous than capturing an experience in their life.
  2. This chapter has taught me to focus more on the subject of the picture and the experience of the picture rather than to take a picture to get someone jealous or angry.

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